Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Re-Ads: Consultant for mapping Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and retailers

Hivos Southeast Asia seeks qualified Indonesian candidates for the position of Consultant for mapping Small Medium Enterprises (SME) and retailers.


The SWITCH Asia Local Harvest project: Promoting sustainable and equitable consumption and local food systems in Indonesia is supported by the European Union and implemented by Hivos and its partners: AMAN (Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara), ASPPUK (Asosiasi Pendamping Perempuan Usaha Kecil), NTFP-EP (Non Timber Forest Product-Exchange Program) Indonesia and Yayasan WWF Indonesia.  The project is implemented in 8 provinces (14 districts) and 5 cities in Indonesia over a period of four (4) years commencing March 1, 2018.

The specific objective of the project is to stimulate a significant shift in consumption patterns towards sustainable and ethically sourced food products in Indonesia by increased knowledge and awareness of consumers about the impacts of their food choices; increased capacities of food MSMEs and producers – including women and indigenous people – to penetrate markets; and a favourable policy environment for uptake of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) practices in the food sector.

One of the outcomes of the project is increased number of MSMEs and retailers applying economically, environmentally and socially sustainable practices. Several activities have been and will be conducted to achieve this outcome such as Life Cycle Assessment for selected commodities, capacity building and facilitating access to finance for producers.  In addition to upgrading local producer skills, the project will also help local producers access new markets and other distribution channels, and develop a network/forum of (SME) retailers to promote ethical and sustainable consumption and production in five targeted cities: Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Medan and Makassar. This will include retailers, cafes, restaurants, catering, as well as online shops that are committed to retail of green, healthy, fair and local food products.

A mapping will be conducted in all five targeted cities on existing ‘ethical’, fair, healthy and sustainable food businesses, while identifying potential ‘champions’ that could lead the network/forum in each region. This mapping will pay particular attention to identification of potential women-led food service SMEs, who we intend will also be key actors in the forum. Since the Switch Asia Local Harvest consortium members have been working in the sustainable food issue, the consultant will draw upon the network that has been established while also identifying potential new actors.


The objectives of this assignment are:

  • Providing the overview of market and retailing landscape of green, healthy, fair and local food products, nationally and in the targeted cities
  • Identifying and highlighting potential retailers to support market linkage for green, healthy, fair and local food products and for initiating/strengthening the business forum
  • Assessing relevant existing business platforms discussing the issues of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) of food

Scope of work

The consultant is expected to:

  1. Study the relevant documents including previous mapping report
  2. Conduct mapping to identify existing businesses who promote ethical and sustainable consumption and production in the five targeted cities that could be linked to the producers as well as for initiating/strengthening business forum.
  3. Conduct mapping on what values (local, fair, healthy, sustainable) are already being embedded in the marketing strategies and retailing of food businesses and how they change business. This includes information on ‘pangan bijak’ products are available and they are potentially interested in
  4. Conduct assessment on what are the challenges on procuring such green products and how to overcome the issues.
  5. Identify key factors that make green products could be successful in the market as well as understanding consumers’ preferences.
  6. Provide recommendations on how new green products can enter new markets in each targeted city.
  7. Conduct assessment on existing business forums which committed and have discusses issues on SCP and/or 4 values mentioned above, their members, agenda, governance, roles and results so far.
  8. Identify and provide recommendation on potential champion for the business forum based on their agenda and priorities
  1. Provide recommendations on how a business forum in each city could be established/enriched/facilitated effectively, including the necessary steps to be taken.
  2. Consult and coordinate with Hivos and WWF Indonesia team members during the assignment.


  • A detailed implementation plan for mapping including targeted parties to be interviewed.
  • A concise mapping report as a basis for the project to develop market linkages and initiating business forum in 5 targeted cities including recommendation on potential actors to lead the forums

All reports (English) should be submitted in electronic version in relevant Microsoft Office format. 


The duration of the assignment is 3 months with a maximum of 20 working days.

Qualification & Experience

The consultant should:

  • Have extensive experience in conducting market assessment and facilitating market linkage for food products from producers
  • Have ample knowledge on Sustainable Consumption and Production issues and experience working in the food sector, particularly in promoting green, healthy, fair and local food products
  • Have extensive experience and knowledge in food supply chain as well as sufficient network in retail industry
  • Have the ability to draw upon a range of inputs from existing contacts, data and professional experience, and synthesize the findings into a readable and practical narrative.
  • Preferably relevant and extensive contacts and network, particularly in the five aforementioned cities

How to apply

A proposal covering technical and financial aspects, with CV, should be addressed to:

Project Manager Switch Asia Local Harvest Project with subject “Consultant for SME &Retailers Mapping” and sent via e-mail to: [email protected] with cc to: [email protected]

Deadline for submission of proposal is November 3, 2020.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
