Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Consultant for Life Skills Training for Reforsa Hamutuk Project (Re-ads)

Hivos seeks qualified candidates for the position of Consultant for Life Skills Training for Reforsa Hamutuk Project.

About the project

Reforsa Hamutuk (the Tetum phrase for “Stronger Together”) is a 30-month program supported by the European Union with the overall objective of promoting social inclusion and economic development for women survivors and victims of violence in Timor-Leste. In this project, Hivos and co-beneficiaries, Forum Komunikasaun Ba Feto Timor-Leste (FOKUPERS) and Asosiasaun Chega! Ba Ita (ACbit), seek to strengthen 1,250 women survivors and victims of violence, as well as 50 staff and resource people from local NGOs and CBOs. The project also conducted to increase the awareness of local communities, local leaders, key stakeholders of the national government, business communities, and broader civil society to improve the provision of support for 25,000 Timorese women survivors and victims of violence, including survivors of past conflict and gender-based violence, and their families. Focusing on the seven districts of Ainaro, Baucau, Dili, Ermera, Liquica, Manufahi, and Oecusse, this project was designed to complement ongoing initiatives by the government and civil society organizations to assist survivors on prevention, access to justice, and advocacy.

As part of the project, Hivos is seeking a consultant to facilitate a training for local NGO facilitators and resource persons on improved life skills curriculum for women victims of gender-based violence (GBV). The consultant will be responsible in developing the training module with the active participations of civil society trainers and women victims, as well as representatives from government-run shelters. The consultant will also be responsible in conducting an intensive workshop with NGO facilitators and resource persons, including facilitators from government supported shelters, in the delivery of this curriculum. One follow-up training will be conducted to reinforce the training and ensure that the facilitators have mastered the curriculum.


To strengthen the capacity of local NGO facilitators and resource persons, including facilitators from government supported shelters, in improved life skills curriculum for women victims of GBV through curriculum development and intensive training workshop.

Scope of work

The maximum duration to conduct the assignment is 20 working days (negotiable depending on the candidate’s proposed methodology) with tasks including:

  • Organizing meetings and workshop needed for the improved curriculum development and training workshops. Hivos will facilitate the meeting and workshop expenditures (e.g., meals and participant local transportation reimbursement).
  • Developing the improved life skills curriculum for women victims of GBV in English, in consultation with key actors through a series of meetings. Hivos will facilitate the translation of the module into Tetum.
  • Facilitating the intensive training workshop for the local NGO facilitators and resource person on improved life skills curriculum for women victims of GBV in Tetum
  • Facilitating the follow-up training to ensure that the facilitators have mastered the curriculum
  • Producing a report on the training implementation

Expected output

1. One improved life skills curriculum for women victims of GBV (in English), covering skills in, but not limited to:

  • Financial literacy and budgeting
  • Health and nutrition
  • COVID-19 awareness and prevention
  • Parenting
  • Communication and negotiation skills
  • Safety planning
  • Women’s rights
  • Sexual and reproductive health
  • Leadership skills
  • Mental health
  • Other topics relevant to the needs identified in project rapid assessment and market scan

2. One intensive training workshop, conducted by involving at least 20 NGO facilitators and resource persons, including facilitators from government supported shelters, as participants

3. One follow-up training, conducted by involving participants from the intensive training workshop.

4. One training report (in English, max. 10 pages excluding attendance sheet and photo documentations)


The consultancy period will be from mid November 2020 to mid February 2021

Qualification & Experience

  • An individual or team with a minimum of 5 years of professional experience of working with women’s victims of GBV, women in shelters, and in GBV issues. Should the candidate apply as a team, at least one team member should be based in Timor-Leste to facilitate the training workshop;
  • Proven experience in training and training of trainer facilitation, as well as curriculum and module development;
  • Background or understanding of other human rights issues will be preferred;
  • Experience in working with local CSOs and vulnerable groups other than women victims of GBV is an advantage
  • Capacity to work in a multi-disciplinary team, including coordinating technical input into a framework;
  • Ability to work rapidly, both in person and remotely, with team members in various locations;
  • Ability to travel and work in community-settings.
  • Fluent in English and Tetum.


The chosen consultant is expected to submit a budget along with a brief proposal for the assignment (maximum 20 working days, spread over a 4-month contract period). The budget proposed must not exceed EUR 3,200. This budget excludes the income tax applicable under the Indonesian Tax Law and specific meeting and workshop expenses, but should include all other expenses including the consultant’s honor fee(s) and other logistical expenditures such as the consultant’s travel expenses and mobile phone data coverage.

How to apply?

Interested applicants should send a CV/resume and a brief proposal (with budget) before the 23 November 2020 (COB) with “RH Life Skills Training” as the subject of the email to [email protected]

For more information about Hivos Southeast Asia, visit https://www.hivos.org/
