Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Consultant Endline Study and Final Evaluation for We Lead

Request for Expression of Interest

Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (Yayasan Hivos) is an Indonesian organization affiliated with Hivos, born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who subscribe to the values and mission of Hivos. The purpose is to promote humanist values in the social, health, and cultural fields, which is defined in terms of the ability of each individual to assess and decide independently and responsibly, the right to freedom, dignity, and a passion to create a just and tolerant society.

Currently, Yayasan Hivos seeks qualified Indonesian candidates for the position of:

Title                      : Consultant Endline Study and Final Evaluation for We Lead

Duty Station       :  Indonesia

Report to             :  Program Manager We Lead

Duration              :  May to July 2023



The Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) project is multi-year funding initiated by Hivos Southeast Asia, and Just Associates (JASS) started in March 2019 until August 2023. The goal of the project is to improve the enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and the advancement of gender equality in Indonesia. In implementing the project, Hivos, in partnership with Just Associates-Southeast Asia (JASS), provide grant management and political accompaniment to 5 (five) national women’s rights organization, namely Rahima, Fahmina, Rumah KitaB, Perempuan Mahardhika, and FAMM Indonesia. At the grassroots level, we work in various arenas such as the pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), local community/women, and university campuses in 41 cities/districts in 14 provinces in Indonesia.



The main objective of the assignment is to conduct an end-line study and final evaluation that will focus on:

  1. Endline study
  1. Collecting data/information to analyze and document the project’s achievement against the baseline according to the project’s objectives and targets, as outlined in the project’s results framework (PMF);
  2. Reviewing and developing recommendations on the project’s Logic Model (LM) and its strategies for the next similar project;
  1. Final evaluation

To evaluate the project based on Development Assistance Committee (OECD DAC)’s evaluation criteria: relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability with the following details objective



They key deliverables of the assignment are:

  1. Inception Report in English version,
  2. Research Instruments for Data Collection processes & analysis in Bahasa Indonesia,
  3. Validation workshop
  4. Final End Line Study and Final Evaluation Report in English and Bahasa Indonesia,
  5. Dissemination of final End line Study Findings, and
  6. A minimum of 5 strong Case Studies (in Bahasa Indonesia & English) can be published as evidence of project outcomes/impact



The end line study and final evaluation report should be submitted by July 14th, 2023.



The consultants can be a firm and or a team of specialists. The following are the collective selection criteria for the institution or a team of consultants:

  • Solid experience and proven track record of carrying out project evaluations, including the use of participatory tools as a means of data collection.
  • Good understanding of Indonesia’s context on gender equality, women’s movement, feminism, and GEDSI-related issues.
  • Having a feminist research background
  • Excellent reporting and communication skills, including English language skills


Note that any intellectual property or materials produced or any files or information obtained by the consultant while carrying out this contract are the sole property of Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial and will not be disclosed to others. This includes the preliminary and final evaluation report. The consultant must work in close consultation with Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial and in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

For more details on the EoI,  please click the following link: https://bit.ly/3AUqDOC

