Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Call for Proposal: Free to Be Me Indonesia Program – Economic Justice

Call for proposal: Free to Be Me ProgramF2BM2023/ IND/ O.4 Economic Justice

May 17, 2023

Scope : Indonesia

Office of contractual agreement : Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (Yayasan Hivos)

Grant period : 3 – 12 months (July 2023 – June 2024)

Application deadline : 19 June 2023


Free to be Me is an innovative program that aims to bring together organizations and individuals that will contribute to advancing the leadership of gender and sexual minorities leadership in advocating for social and economic rights. Within our overarching Theory of Change (ToC), the rightholders decide about objectives, strategies and activities to engage key actors and convince duty bearers to improve their human and socio-economic rights.

Free to be Me Indonesia is seeking proposals that put forward approaches and activities to contribute to the Economic Development Pathway to promote inclusive policies and eliminate the discriminative practices against marginalized, vulnerable and minority groups particularly gender and sexual minorities in the workplace, although strategic linkages with broader SOGIESC-related initiatives and allies will be encouraged.

We are welcoming organizations, coalitions or collective actions on amplifying voices, protecting and advocating workers’ or laborers’ rights in various types of industries and business scales, working from a human rights perspective, embrace diversity and have a progressive, feminist, gender-transformative approach and supporting the rights of gender and sexual minorities.

Grantees will be selected by the Indonesia Participatory Grantmaking Panel (PGMP). Read the Term of Reference for more information and Hivos concept note and budget template for reference to develop the proposal. Proposals sent after the deadline will be considered invalid.
