Women’s Voice and Leadership Indonesia (We Lead) Achievements 2019 – 2023

Gender Equality Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI)

Women’s Voice and Leadership Indonesia (We Lead) Achievements 2019 – 2023

Humanis Foundation

Women’s Voice and Leadership Indonesia (WVL or We Lead) is a multi-year programme led by Hivos Southeast Asia (Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial as from April 2021) and Just Associates (JASS) Southeast Asia, running from March 2019 until August 2023. The goal of the programme is improved enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and the advancement of gender equality in Indonesia. In implementing the project, Yayasan Hivos (now Humanis) and JASS Southeast Asia, provided grant management, feminist popular education and accompaniment towards 5 (five) national women’s rights organizations (WROs) namely Rahima, Fahmina, Rumah KitaB, Perempuan Mahardhika, and FAMM Indonesia to strengthen their mandate in advancing women’s and girls rights. At the grassroots level, the programme engaged with pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), local communities, women activists, gender and sexual minority groups, universities/campuses, and many others.
