Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Call for Concept Notes for the Urban Futures program


Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial is an Indonesian organization affiliated with Hivos, born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who subscribe to the values and mission of Hivos. The purpose is to promote humanistic values in the social, economic, health, and cultural fields which is defined in terms of the ability for each individual to assess and decide independently and responsibly, the right to freedom, dignity and a passion to create a just and tolerant society.


Yayasan is pleased to announce Call for Concept Notes for the Urban Futures program:

Date of issue: Monday, August 7, 2023

Deadline for submission of Concept Notes: Friday, 1 September 2023

Funding Type: Sub-grant

Project Size: Maximum €250,000 annually



Hivos and Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial’s Urban Futures (UF) program (2023-2027) aims to contribute to more inclusive, climate-resilient cities and urban food systems, where young people collaborate to voice their priorities, influence decisions, and seize opportunities in the food sector, with shorter value chains providing healthy, sustainable food that is accessible, affordable, and attractive.

As fund and program manager, Hivos and Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial will engage partners and innovators-especially young people-and provide grants and demand-led technical assistance, capacity building, and lead on linking and learning, advocacy, and communications, including through the expertise of the RUAF Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems.

In Indonesia, Urban Futures plans to engage two cities: Bandung (West Java) and West Manggarai (East Nusa Tenggara). Each city is selected for its unique contributions to Indonesia’s youth movements and larger food system in Indonesia.


The local partner organization(s) will be responsible for:

  • leading the implementation of the Urban Futures programme in one (or both) of the cities, in building more inclusive, climate-resilient urban food systems where youth collaborate to voice their priorities, influence decisions, and seize opportunities in the food sector.
  • managing funds at the local/city level, in a transparent and accountable way, with core city stakeholders, including the local authorities. Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial will provide support and oversight.
  • facilitating the co-design of city local strategies (https://ruaf.org/focus-area/city-region-food-systems/) and coalitions (when needed), including multi-stakeholder platforms for inclusive, impactful change processes.
  • supporting the creation of multi-stakeholder platforms to co-create, document and advocate for local solutions, linking and strengthening existing social and grassroots movements around inclusive food systems and climate action, Public-Private-Community Partnerships (PPCs), by bringing the community, particularly youth, women, and those most vulnerable, and duty bearers together to influence policy.
  • through partner learning communities and (participatory/youth-led) research, producing actionable learning that improves delivery and supports adaptive management.
  • participating in events and communities of practice at the international, national, and local levels, both in-person and virtual.



Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be assessed based on eligibility or threshold criteria (minimum standards must be met), the quality of the Concept Note and the quality of the applicant organization or lead party of the coalition.

Specifically, the following criteria will be used during concept note review and selection (See Annex 4 for further details):

  • Clear aim and objective: the Concept Note (see Annex 2) is instrumental and/or strategic in contributing to the UF ToC (see Annex 1).
  • Context analysis: the extent to which the concept note defines the problem and objectives, and shows an understanding of the role of youth in food systems transformation
  • Rightsholder representation (youth): the degree to which the organization involves, represents, and potentially amplifies the voices of vulnerable and marginalized groups and communities,
  • Advocacy and lobby: the degree to which the project potentially influences the stakeholders to implement new procedures and policies.
  • Innovation: the degree to which the project/coalition provides clear innovative methods to enhance civil society participation in urban food systems transformation and climate action.
  • Knowledge brokering: how the project plans to use the available knowledge and package relevant information in easily accessible formats, to reach key stakeholders to support evidence-based decision-making.
  • Intersectionality approach: adopts a diverse, gender-equality and rights-based perspective to climate action and advocacy.
  • Preferably has local and national presence: work in the selected cities.


For more detailed Call of Concept Notes information please click the following link:  https://bit.ly/UFCallForConceptNotes23


Application Deadline

The deadline for application is Friday, 1 September 2023 at 17:00 (Western Indonesia Time).

Application should be submitted by completing these two steps:

  1. Uploading following documents using the provided templates (see Annex) through this Google Form:
    1. Concept Note
    2. a budget proposal
    3. organizational profile and organogram, and
    4. organization’s proof of legal entity in Indonesia, AND,
  2. Sending a cover letter that expresses your interest via email to [email protected] and CC [email protected] with “UF_Partner2023_Name of Organization” (if applying as an individual organization, e.g., UF_Partner2023_Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial) or “UF_Partner2023_Name of Consortium” (if applying as a consortium, e.g., UF_Partner2023_Konsorsium Humanis) as the subject of the email.


Applications that are received after the deadline will not be considered.

Successful concept notes will be invited to proceed to the full proposal development round.
