Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Consultant for Open Contracting National Event

Hivos seeks qualified candidates for the position of Consultant for Open Contracting National Event.



Citizen Engagement in Open Contracting Programme is a Strategic Partnership programme funded by Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) with the aim to improve public procurement through making contracting process more open and transparent.

The programme expects key institutional changes as follows: 1) Government articulates clear policies mandating proactive disclosure of documents and data related to the planning, procurement, and implementation of public contracts; and information is published in understandable, open, reusable formats; 2) Government consults non-state actors in the planning of public contracts; invites non- state actors to observe and give feedback on public procurement; and acts upon third party monitoring reports of contract performance. 3) Civil Society, Media, and Private Sector organizations have the capacity to become effective infomediaries and understand and analyze open contracting information and data to give credible feedback to government and oversight authorities without fear of reprisals. And, 4) Government (Oversight Authorities) is acting upon public feedback to hold decision makers and contractors to account for any irregularities.

As a part of the Open Government Indonesia committed to improve the Open Contracting enabling environment to further enhance the open government movement in Indonesia. As a part of the Open Government Indonesia action plan, Government of Indonesia, through the National Public Procurement Agency, is committed to build the capacity of civil society and journalists in understanding the public procurement processes.

As a strong supporter, Hivos will co-organise a 2-day national workshop with the National Public Procurement Agency in collaboration with the partners for CSOs and independent journalist network. We also aim for the CSO network to link the open contracting knowledge to the existing transparency movement. A national CSO consolidation forum will be organized back-to-back with the national workshop to accommodate the need.


Scope of work

The consultant will assist Hivos team and partners to:

  1. Organize the CSO and journalists for the 2-days national workshop
  2. Facilitate the CSO consolidation meeting.

The targeted audience for the national workshop is 50-55 participants whilst the targeted audience for the CSO Consolidation meeting is 30-35 participants.



 The following are the expected deliverables from the consultant :

  • Financial and Narrative report for the 2-days national workshop (aligns with Hivos’ procurement guideline)
  • Agenda for the CSO Consolidation meeting
  • Report on CSO Consolidation meeting



 The event will be conducted as follow:

  • National Workshop on Open Contracting: 5-6 November 2019
  • National CSO Consolidation Meeting: 7 (or 7-8) November 2019


Knowledge, experiences and competencies

 We are seeking an individual or a team with the following qualities:

  • Have at least 3 years’ experience in organizing a national-level workshop from participants outside of Jakarta
  • Have in-depth knowledge of governance, accountability, and public participation for better public service delivery
  • Have a network in civil society organizations in Indonesia focusing on public service delivery / human rights / transparency / anti-corruption issue
  • Ability to demonstrate strong values on humanity.

