Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Consultant for Scoping Study Publication and Dissemination: Creating Spaces for Engagement between Citizens and the State

Hivos seeks qualified candidates for the position of Consultant for Scoping Study Publication and Dissemination.


Hivos with the support of Robert Bosch Stiftung will develop a Scoping Study to improve understanding of the nature of citizen participation in public service delivery in Southeast Asia. Through this study, we hope to find solution in increasing the public’s access to responsive and accountable public service delivery by closing feedback loops that influence the government’s decision making processes. It will help the government, civil society and other relevant actors in addressing the gap between citizens and the state in term of communication in the way governments understand and respond to the demands of their people. The study will:

  1. Identify and map institutions and individuals working to promote citizen engagement, government response, research and technology in the country.
  2. Analyze the role of technology, social mobilization and enabling conditions for meaningful public engagement.

The study is implemented in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Myanmar to get a better picture on countries that experiences social accountability in a democratic setting and on a country that is relatively new for public participation. However, all share characteristics as a growing market and industry that makes them comparable in term of demand for better governance and responsive public services. Hivos and scoping study team would like for the findings of this scoping study to be amplified through various channel to ensure the recommendations from the scoping study  can be delivered to relevant stakeholders.  This study will be disseminated at public launching, covered in media, relevant websites and blogs. The findings and recommendations will also be amplified through op-ed, blogs, academic articles, and social media.

For this purpose, we are seeking strong candidates for Consultant for Scoping Study’s Publication and Dissemination to create a publication plan and content, as well as manage and conduct publication and dissemination through social media and mainstream media. Consultant will be responsible to design and layout the final report, developing publication strategy to spread the findings and recommendation of scoping study, creating content from the report of the scoping study (such as in the form of blogs, academic articles, infographic, and many more) to be posted in social media and mainstream media. In addition to that, consultant also will coordinate with research team to invite mainstream media in offline public dissemination.

Consultant for Scoping Study Publication and Dissemination will report to Program Development Manager Freedom and Accountability, Lead Researcher. They will closely work with the scoping study team and Junior Project Officer of the scoping study


Scope of Work

  • Designing and Lay-outing final report of the scoping study
  • Developing Digital and non-digital publication and dissemination plan
  • Implementing Digital publication and dissemination through social media, mainstream media, and any other potential digital channels
  • Producing publication contents for social media, blogs, and mainstream media (narrative and visual)
  • With Junior Project Officer, implementing non-digital publication (e.g. public launching, strategic meeting with relevant stakeholders)
  • Use analytics to monitor success and ensure that optimal results are achieved



  • Scoping Study Report
  • Digital and non-digital publication and dissemination plan
  • Digital publication and dissemination implementation
  • Blog articles and supporting visual content for the social and mainstream media channel
  • Media invitation and arrangement for non-digital publication and dissemination.
  • Report and evaluation of publication and dissemination of Scoping Study



The consultancy assignment will start on October 2019 and ends on November 2019


Knowledge, experiences and competencies

We are seeking individuals with the following qualities:

  • Have extensive experience in publication and dissemination of academic and research papers
  • Have 3-year minimum experience in developing and managing successful campaigns
  • Have experienced conducting digital publication to social media, mainstream media, and other relevant media channel
  • Have experience in working with media in public launching event
  • Have moderate experiences working on nonprofit campaigns
  • Group or individual consultant are eligible to apply
  • Present project portfolio comprising minimum of five (3) relevant campaigns

