Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Consultant for the Development of GEDI-related Documents for Yayasan Hivos

Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial/ Humanist and Social Innovation Foundation (hereinafter: Yayasan Hivos) has been officially established in Indonesia on March 2021 prior to its decade-long presence through Dutch-based Hivos. For its decentralization and locally-shaped progress, Yayasan Hivos is in the phase of developing its strategy along with relevant guidelines and policies that align with its core principle as a humanist organization.

Some documents have been identified to mandatorily exist in Yayasan Hivos to evidently strengthen the gender equality, diversity, and inclusion (GEDI) principle and practice. Some of the documents are already available at the Hivos Global level, therefore can be localized, contextualized, and sharpened instead of developing from zero.

The recruitment of a (team of) consultant for the development of GEDI-related documents for Yayasan Hivos is crucial as we need external views who are experienced in developing relevant documents with ample track records. The Yayasan Hivos’ GEDI team will assist the consultant in collecting some information and connecting to relevant resource persons. GEDI team will oversee the quality of the document and will further strategize on how to induce the document to the whole Yayasan Hivos staff and partners.

Scope of Work and Expected Deliverables

The maximum duration to conduct the assignments is three months, with tasks including:

  1. Developing GEDI Strategy Document and relevant policies (with some details that are elaborated in the deliverables section); and
  2. Presenting the deliverables to Yayasan Hivos’ GEDI team and Management Team.

Below are the documents that have been identified to be developed and delivered in the consultancy.

1. GEDI Strategy Document

The GEDI Strategy document will be the main reference and GEDI guiding principle for Yayasan Hivos in developing programs, implementing projects, working with partners, connecting with donors and stakeholders, as well as managing the organization and human resources. The document will be redeveloped every five years. Therefore, the document is a long-run outlook of Yayasan Hivos’ GEDI strategy.

It will comprise of introduction and background, change process, implementation roadmap, and tracking and reflection. Case study in GEDI and other impact areas, civic rights and climate justice, will also be presented in the GEDI Strategydocument to show the relevance and intersectionality of GEDI to Yayasan Hivos’ thorough vision.

In the introduction and background, the document will redefine the terms that are commonly used in GEDI, in order to bring everyone in the same understanding. These glossaries are important to put Yayasan Hivos as a thought-leader in gendered diversity and inclusion that can be useful in positioning Yayasan Hivos in the development sector. Countries’ context analysis in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste, will also be presented in the document to align the urgency of the GEDI strategy.

In the change process, the document will scrutinize where Yayasan Hivos currently is with its GEDI strategy, approach, and implementation and what vision Yayasan Hivos has to move forward with GEDI-related issues. This way, it will clear the pathway on achieving the intended GEDI goals within Yayasan through its projects that will be elaborated further in the implementation roadmap. This will include but is not limited to, the fundraising strategy, inclusive project and grant management and implementation, activities’ inclusive guideline, monitoring and evaluation, as well as stakeholders and partners networking recommendations.

In the tracking and reflection part, the document will propose practical ideas on how to monitor the GEDI progress through realistic and tangible measurements and how to regularly reassess our strategy and its implementation. This is including the learning and adaptation based on the changing context that most likely will and always happen along with the implementation of the GEDI Strategy.

The GEDI Strategy document will also recommend what policies need to be developed within Yayasan in order to realize and enable the practice of the GEDI principles. In the next point, some policies have been identified due to their urgency, however, further recommendations will be depended on the development process of the GEDI Strategy document.

2. Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy and Other Policies

Through the GEDI Strategy document, some policies that need to be developed in Yayasan Hivos will be identified. However, one of the most prominent policies that is obviously needed to be developed and implemented in an organization nowadays is the anti-sexual harassment policy. The Hivos Global Office has developed one, as well as other organizations. For efficiency, it would be better to develop the policy by adopting through other organizations’ policies and their learning throughout the implementation experience of the policy. Important elements in the anti-sexual harassment policy are on defining harassment, preventive actions, and reporting mechanism.

Other policies that can be developed, particularly concerning human resources is the commitment of diversity and inclusion that can be attached with staff contracts. This commitment can be modified in several forms that can be explored further, for instance, a recorded training (audiovisual) and continued with a set of questions that need to be answered and passed minimum score. This kind of policy and understanding can also be adapted to our partner organizations as part of the capacity assessment.

Qualification & Experience

  • Knowledge in gender equality, diversity and inclusion, as well as the current state of affairs in Southeast Asia (particularly Indonesia, the Philippines, and Timor-Leste) concerning GEDI-related issues;
  • Experienced in developing organizational thematic strategies and policies;
  • Ability to work rapidly, both in person and remotely, with team members in various locations;
  • Ability to work timely; and
  • Fluent in English.

Timeline and Budget

The period of the consultancy is three months (December 2021 to February 2022), with a total budget of EUR 5,000. The deliverables timeline will be discussed and agreed upon for the contract signing.

Application Submission

Interested applicants have to submit a CV/resume, expression of interest letter, and (if any) relevant documents or evidence that have been developed related to this assignment to [email protected] by Friday, 12 November 2021 at the latest.
