Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Consultant of Trainer for Strategic Partnership Storytelling Training

Hivos seeks qualified, a dynamic and creative individual Indonesian candidates for the position of Consultant of Trainer for Strategic Partnership Storytelling Training.


Under the Strategic Partnership programs of Open Contracting, Sustainable Diets for All, and Green and Inclusive Energy, Hivos works with partners to influence policies and regulations that are relevant for green and inclusive energy systems, both at the national and international level. To achieve the goal, there is the need to develop capacities of partner organisations and Hivos staff on how to effectively lobby and advocate.

Good communication skill is an imperative component needed to successfully deliver messages and achieve successes in advocacy activities. Strategically planned communication tactic can deliver positive impact to the cause an organisation is advocating, whilst ineffective communication can cause advocacy endeavor falls short in accomplishing objectives.

In the era of advanced digital and social media, a new age of global public engagement and communication is manifest. On the one hand, the world is more connected, and more data is available on a range of development and energy issues. On the other hand, the development agenda and the energy realm are increasingly technical and complex – making it hard for stakeholders to engage in development policy discussions and activities. Strategic communications for advocacy which engage stakeholder from the governments, civil societies, private sector and the general public in a constructive dialogue to advance sustainable development is needed more than ever.

For the above reason, improvement on communication skills with regard to achieving advocacy targets has been an important trajectory of partners capacity development plan.

The SP Open Contracting partners have identified the need to have a storytelling training and data presentation to improve their skill as infomediaries to translate the procurement information to broader community.

Within the SP-Energy, the partners have expressed their communication training needs, articulated during the Introduction to Advocacy Communication presentation which was part of the SP-Energy Kick of Workshop held in Jogjakarta in October 2016. The requests have been further discussed in the SP-Energy WhatsApp group discussions. Moreover, the result of 5C Capacity Assessment conducted by KAIL consultant for SP-Energy coalition members has also recommended for capacity building on advocacy communication skills to be held.

Similar recommendation also raised following the 5C Capacity Assessment for SD4All partners (which included partners under the Switch Asia Local Harvest program), highlighting the crucial need for the partners to document their achievements, tell their stories as well as the local communities’, and present them in an appealing and inspirational way as an effective lobby and advocacy tool.


The objective of this activity is to provide capacity building for staff and partners for skills related to storytelling aimed for lobby and advocacy.

Training contents

The storytelling training will cover the following topics:

  • Writing

This training will cover tips and tricks on how to craft advocacy messages into writing pieces which include but not limited to human interest story, opinion, event report (beyond 5W, 1H), achievements

  • Visual

This training covers the development and the use of infographics and photo as storytelling tools to support lobby and advocacy.

  • Oral

In this training, participants will learn and practice the strategies and skills how to present the stories (in writing and visual) orally for meetings, press conference, or public events.

Training outputs

Each participant will produce at least one complete article (with infographic)

 Target Audience

Target audiences to receive this training are Hivos’ Strategic Partnership staffs and partner organisations’ staff (IESR, KPI, YLKI, Tanoker, ASPPUK, NTFP-EP, TII, ICW, PWYP Indonesia, Pattiro Semarang, Bojonegoro Institute, Somasi NTB). The ideal number of participants of each training is 20 people. Each partner organization will be provided one seat.

Schedule and Place

The training will be held for a minimum of two days within the week of 19-23 August 2019 (TBC), hosted by Hivos and all partner organisations at the following schedules:

  • Day 1 will be focusing on writing
  • Day 2 will be focusing on visual storytelling
  • Day 3 will be used for more specific needs per program


The consultant will deliver the following:

  • Facilitation and training on Storytelling
  • Consultation with relevant Hivos staff members
  • Guidance and mentoring for Hivos staff and partners on developing and finalization of at least one story per organization
  • Narrative report for the training process and recommendations for future storytelling production

Qualification and Experience

We are seeking an Indonesian person or organisation (preferably based in Greater Jakarta area) with the following qualities:

  • Proven and expansive track record in facilitating training on storytelling (writing, visual, oral) for social change
  • Knowledge of and experience in the field of international development cooperation and excellent skills in the development and implementation of communication strategies.
  • Know-how to reach target groups through innovative and conventional media, including using effective storytelling on various media such as organization websites, mass media and social media.
  • Strong communicator in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
  • Innovative, flexible and able to work in a complex environment with multiple stakeholders (local, national, international organisations).
  • Familiarity with and experience on the Strategic Partnership programs issues (sustainable food, green and inclusive energy, open contracting) is preferable.