Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Institution or a Team of Consultants: Baseline Study and Development of Villages’ Profiles

Request for Expression of Interest

Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (Yayasan Hivos) is an Indonesian organization affiliated with Hivos, born out of an active collaboration between Netherlands-based Hivos and several like-minded Indonesian academics and civil society leaders who subscribe to the values and mission of Hivos. The purpose is to promote humanist values in the social, health, and cultural fields, which are defined in terms of the ability of each individual to assess and decide independently and responsibly, the right to freedom, dignity, and a passion to create a just and tolerant society.

Yayasan seeks qualified candidates for the position of:

Title                      :  Institution or a Team of Consultants: Baseline Study and Development of Villages’ Profiles

Report to             :  Project Manager FOCUS

Duration              :  5 (five) months – June to October 2023




The Fisherfolk Empowerment for Climate Resilience and Sustainability (FOCUS) program aims to build a sustainable food system for the fisherfolk community in five districts in Central Java (Batang, Kendal, Semarang, Demak, and Jepara) through integrated ocean management. This program is supported by The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) and is the result of a co-creation process between Hivos, Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial (Yayasan Hivos), Koalisi Rakyat untuk Keadilan Perikanan (KIARA), Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan Institut Pertanian Bogor (PKSPL-IPB), and Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI).  The program is four years, from 15 December 2022 to 15 December 2026.


FOCUS will cooperate with local governments, community groups, and other relevant stakeholders to raise awareness of nutritional issues, coastal management, and the climate resilience of coastal communities. Advocacy, awareness raising, and capacity development will be provided in cooperation with local authorities and other stakeholders to implement the activities under four outcomes:

  1. Inter-sectoral coordination platform produced policy recommendation/draft of policies/other legal documents on integrated coastal management for a sustainable food system.
  2. Local stakeholders apply improved/adaptive sustainable fisheries and coastal management to mitigate disaster risk & impact of the climate crisis.
  3. Sustainable and inclusive livelihood opportunities for coastal communities are promoted, particularly among women and the youth.
  4. Public increased their understanding and engagement on sustainable management of marine and coastal assets (fisheries, mangroves, reefs) and climate crisis.



The main objective of the assignment is to develop villages’ profiles or “Profil Desa”:

  1. Conduct a Baseline Study of the 9 (nine) villages around the Central Java area based on aspects developed by the FOCUS consortium.
  2. Develop profiles of the 9 (nine) villages around the Central Java area based on the results of assessment, where the profiles of the villages will be served as a baseline study at the village level


Qualifications and Experiences :

The consultants can be a firm and or a team of specialists. The following are the collective selection criteria for the institution or a team of consultants:

  • Solid experience and proven track record of carrying out such assessments, including the use of participatory tools as a means of data collection.
  • Good understanding of Indonesia’s climate and environmental issues, including gender equality.
  • Excellent reporting and communication skills, including English language skills.


For more detailed Term of Reference (ToR) information, please click the following link: https://bit.ly/FOCUSProfileDesa


We Welcome You to Apply

We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. We particularly

encourage applications from communities that have historically been excluded from philanthropy and from underrepresented groups, including candidates who are LGBTIQ+, from racially-minoritized communities, with a disability, impairment, learning difference or long-term condition, with caring responsibilities, from different nations and regions, and from less advantaged socioeconomic backgrounds.
