Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Local Facilitator for Inclusive Gastronomy – Idea Accelerator Pilot Project 2019


The “New Generation of Indonesian Cooking (NGIC)” or “Generasi Baru Dapur Indonesia” platform was established in 2017, supported by Hivos under the Sustainable Diets for All (SD4All) programme. It is a movement promoting Indonesia’s rich gastronomic heritage with a modern and innovative twist.

NGIC presents a combination of the country’s heritage and great taste experience. It brings advantages to chefs, food service companies, farmers, local producers, local retailers, and of course, consumers. The city of Bandung with its four million inhabitants was chosen as the project pilot site and all citizens of the city are the targets. However, the consumers represented in the platform’s three working groups (Educate, Act, Promote) so far are from the middle class since the group in Bandung – and possibly elsewhere – have the capacity and time to organize themselves into a ‘komunitas’ or community groups.

As Hivos, we want to give voices to the less privileged actors, the outliers that are often forgotten, despite their status as part of the system (in this case, the urban food system). The question now, how can we provide the space for low income consumers in this gastronomy movement? How can we make the platform more inclusive, and with appropriate and well-targeted campaign that covers all citizens? As previously mentioned, eating good food is a human right. NGIC is potential platform to do that, albeit in smaller (city) scale.

NGIC platform is now led by a number of local actors, including the 1000 Gardens Community (Komunitas 1000 Kebun). They are the organizer of a number of city food festivals, including ‘Bandung Healthy Market’. The Idea Accelerator pilot in Bandung plans to promote a more inclusive gastronomy movement via local actors including organizer of food festival.

Meanwhile, based on recent mapping and discussion with local stakeholders including the Health Department of Bandung – another member of NGIC platform, the local actors recommend the NGIC to also be involved in schools, aside from the current focus on food service actors such as chefs.


This pilot project is aimed to test the following hypothesis:

If 1000 Garden Community – or another potential organizer – hosts a mini festival in selected schools to attract low-income consumers within those schools and its surrounding neighborhood, then they will take the learnings to be applied in its larger public events, so as to open them to low income consumers.

Our assumptions that need to be answered from the Idea Accelerator project:

  • Gastronomy movement can cater for low income consumers (and how)
  • Low income consumers want/have interest to be part of a gastronomy movement (is that the case? If yes, then how)
  • Gastronomy and campaign initiative targeting mainly middle class will trickle down to affect low income consumers
  • Increasing demand from middle income consumer for high-quality diets and nutritious food products will make companies having confidence to invest and take risks to provide more nutritious foods for wider consumers (incl. low income consumers).
  • At the end, we want to know how to integrate (if possible) the low income consumers with the existing NGIC platform and how


The consultant will deliver the following:

  • Coordinate the local activities together with 1000 Garden Community
  • Select and coordinate with at least two schools in Bandung area with big concentration of low income consumers
  • Facilitate the processes with local stakeholders including meetings with schools and surrounding community members with tailor made innovative tools such as games
  • Coordinate with Hivos Idea Accelerator team in Jakarta as required
  • Provide reports of activities including documentation of the learnings during the process
  • Present the learning results of the pilot to the NGIC platform members including the three working group leaders

Qualification and Experience

  • A local organization based in Bandung City
  • Excellent network with relevant local stakeholders
  • Strong facilitation skills with local stakeholders, preferably including low income consumers and schools
  • Experience in developing and implementing innovative learning and facilitation tools such as games
  • Have strong interest on urban food system and consumers’ role
  • Ability to document learning during the processes
  • Ability to produce communication materials (e.g. blog, photo story, interviews) to capture the processes
  • Excellent presentation skills


The project will take place from July to December 2019 in Bandung. The exact timeline of activities depends on the consultant’s proposal and availability of Hivos Idea Accelerator team from Jakarta.
