Yayasan Humanis dan Inovasi Sosial

Private Sector Analyst

Hivos  seeks qualified candidates for the position of Private Sector Analyst.


In 2016, Indonesia had ratified the Paris Agreement through Law No. 16/2016, which brings Indonesia to the next level on climate change, after its previous commitment in G20 meeting back in 2010. In respond to the Paris Agreement, Indonesia then submitted its commitment on climate change, known as Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), to reduce emission by 29% with its own budget and 41% with the help from international support. Not only to reduce emission, Indonesia also put forward its commitment, to also do climate change adaptation. Indonesia’s NDC involves 5 sectors: forestry, energy, IPPU, waste, and transportation, to reduce its greenhouse gases emissions. Based on the number of emission reductions indicated in the NDC, Energy placed second, by contributing 11% of greenhouse gases emission reduction (unconditional scenario) to 14% (conditional scenario). These will be achieved from energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean power, and low carbon fuel. The sub-sectors are energy industries (power generation), manufacture, transportation, buildings, and public lighting. Before the implementation, a concrete and implementable actions need to be derived from the NDC, including the role of actors in the implementation.

In its NDC, Indonesia has recognized that it requires a comprehensive and thorough plan to effectively implement sustainable production and consumption patterns . It also recognizes the importance of multi-stakeholders engagement to combat climate change, including private sector. To have a more ambitious goal beyond 2020, this means that Indonesia needs to carefully map and engage multi-actors not only to achieve the first NDC, but also to move it beyond. However, to date, the clarity of non-state-actors engagement to achieve NDC, has determined.

UNEP has identified the role of non-state actors in closing the emissions gap. In their 2018 Emission Gap Report , UNEP has identified that the emission reduction potential from role of non-state and subnational actors is large. The report has stated that at the fullest potential, these initiatives by non-state and subnational actors could reduce emissions up to 15-23 GtCO2-eq per year by 2030 compared to current policy. UNEP also stated that this could bridge the emission gap to “well below 2 degrees Celcius”. The above information signals the importance of engaging non-state actors, such as private sector, in order to reduce emissions.

This also marks the importance to determine the role of non-state actors, in particular private sector, a mechanism to engage non-state-actors needs to be developed. This mechanism is required to ensure the achievement of Indonesia’s NDC, and to strengthen Indonesia’s contribution to keep the global average temperature at the level of well below 2 degrees Celcius. An analysis and scoping on the role of non-state actors, particularly private sector, are therefore needed.


The objectives of this analysis are the following:

  1. To understand the role of non-state actors in achieving Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), especially from renewable energy;
  2. To provide recommendations on how private sectors can play a role, including means of engagement, to achieve Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) from renewable energy;
  3. To identify the potential private finance generated from renewable energy sector.


The deliverables of this work are the followings:

  1. A paper on possible role of non-state actors in achieving Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), especially from renewable energy, including the recommendations;
  2. A paper on potential private finance generated from renewable energy sector;
  3. Minimum four focus group discussions on the relevant issues


  • A team or organizations are eligible to apply;
  • At least 3 years of working experience with private sector, particularly those on renewable energy;
  • Provide the sample of paper on climate change and renewable energy;
  • Have been engaging with private sector on renewable energy;
  • Have adequate knowledge on climate change and renewable energy;
  • Have a knowledge on climate finance;
  • Submit a proposal regarding to the above deliverables