Climate Justice | December 7, 2023
Global Girls Creating Change: Making Girls the Leader of Climate Action
Humanis Foundation
Global Girls Creating Change (G2C2) is a three-year program implemented by a consortium led by Hivos, Humanis Foundation, and Restless Development. The goal of this project is to foster and elevate the diverse movement of girl-centered and girl-led climate action to lead and shape inclusive climate policy, initiatives, and movements. Girls in all their diversity are at the forefront of climate action worldwide but they are often excluded, especially with how they are underrepresented in the science, technology, and engineering, and math (STEM) sector. Covering four geopolitical regions, the program will be implemented in Indonesia, Brazil, Nepal, and Uganda to achieve three key objectives: to improve girls’ technical and entrepreneurial skills especially in STEM, to lead their community’s climate policy and initiatives, to build in-country and local coalitions, and to provide grants and other support to enable more inclusive business and economic opportunities for girls.
In Indonesia, gender considerations and perspectives are often seen as afterthoughts or positive additions to business rather than as essential needs. Hence, while there are 40 laws and regulations related to climate change that integrate gender perspectives, their implementation and impact on gender equality remain unsatisfactory. As a result certain groups, including girls with all their diverse and multifaceted identities often face marginalization and exclusion in climate policy and initiatives. In STEM girls and women are still underrepresented, due to the cultural and structural barrier. Humanis aims to reform this status quo through the G2C2 program.
Humanis will ensure meaningful and inclusive participation and decision-making by conducting intensive consultation and joint decision-making to accommodate the diverse intersection of the identity of our rights holders.