Eldina Soares, a young woman from Timor-Leste, is one of the beneficiaries who experienced a significant transformation under the project of Civil Society Governance in Timor-Leste.

Gender Equality Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI)

Eldina Soares, a young woman from Timor-Leste, is one of the beneficiaries who experienced a significant transformation under the project of Civil Society Governance in Timor-Leste.

Humanis Foundation




Want to learn about the changes brought about by the Seed Funding Project Civil Society Governance in Timor Leste?

Learn more about Eldina Soares, a young woman from Lauana, Timor Leste, who underwent significant change as a result of attending computer training provided by FUNDEF.

Eldina Soares is more empowered not only because she has computer skills but also because she has her own source of income, which is $50 per month.

She was given the chance to complete an internship at the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of Timor Leste’s Department of Administration and Finance. Thanks to the training she received from FUNDEF!

Now, Eldina is conscientious and sincere enough to be able to demonstrate the outcomes of her excellent work. She was then asked to work on a permanent basis as a result. Amazing, Eldina!


Bahasa Indonesia



Mau tau cerita perubahan dari kegiatan di bawah Seed Funding project Civil Society Governace in Timor Leste?

Mari berkenalan dengan Eldina Soares, perempuan muda dari Lauana – Timor Leste yang berubah secara signifikan paska ia mengikuti pelatihan komputer yang diselenggarakan oleh FUNDEF.

Selain ia sekarang jauh lebih percaya diri karena memiliki kemampuan di bidang komputer, Eldina Soares juga sudah lebih berdaya karena memiliki pendapatan sendiri senilai USD 50 per bulan.

Karena paska pelatihan yang diberikan oleh FUNDEF, ia mendapat kesempatan untuk praktek kerja (magang) di pada Departemen Administrasi dan Keuangan — Kementrian Pendidikan, Pemuda dan Olahraga Timor Leste. Eldina tekun dan bersungguh-sungguh mampu membuktikan hasil pekerjaanya yang bagus. Alhasil ia kemudian diminta bekerja secara tetap. Keren banget Eldina!






Hakarak hatene historia mudansas husi aktividade   programa seed funding ne’ebe tutela husi  projetu sosiedade civil no Governasaun iha Timor -Leste?

Mai Ita ba kunhese Eldina Soares, hanesan Feto juventude ida husi Lauana – Ermera, Timor-Leste ne’ebe maka halo mudansas signifikante ba nia a’an hafoin partisipa iha formasaun ka kursu  komputador ne’ebe maka organiza husi FUNDEF.

Alem de ida ne nia  sai Jovem feto ida ne’ebe fiar a’an tamba iha ona konhesmentu iha area komputador. Eldina Soares bele impodera nia a’an ho rendementu ne’ebe nia hetan husi kada fulan ho valor USD 50.00.

Tamba hafoin tuir formasaun ka kursu ne’ebe maka oferese husi Fundef, Nia hetan oportunidade atu pratika servisu ka estagio iha Departementu administrasaun no finansas – Ministerio da Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu Timor-Leste. Eldina badinas no esforsu a’an tebes no provas ne’e hatudu husi nia rejultado servisu ne’ebe maka diak. Husi rejultadu ida ne’e Eldina hetan nafatin oportunidade hodi kotinua servisu. Furak Tebes Eldina!

